
We are a non-contesting, friendly, social band based in the West Midlands town of Alcester. We meet on a Monday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 at the Alcester Guide and Scout Centre to make music before retiring to the local hostelry. We welcome all players of any standard.

The band is available for concerts, fetes and any other fund-raising events.

Upcoming Events


  • Spring Fete

    As part of our ongoing fund raising, the band is hosting a Spring Fete on 11th May. As well as the band providing entertainment throughout the afternoon there will be craft stalls and traditional fete stalls like Hook-a-Duck and a Coconut Shy.

  • New Year, New Music

    After a busy Christmas period including an impromptu performance in spinning teacups and a capacity Christmas concert where Nicole Flaherty was named as the most improved player, we are back in the rehearsal room working on our new music for the upcoming season.

  • Christmas is Coming

    The first rehearsal after the remembrance weekend is the band’s official start of Christmas and is designated “Christmas Jumper Rehearsal”. This year the band did not disappoint! We’re excited to start working on our Christmas program and look forward to seeing you at out Christmas …